European Projects, EU HORIZON 2020
Date: 30/09/2021 - 29/09/2025
SMARTGYsum (SMART Green energY Systems and bUsiness Models)
Project groups bring together leading European Universities and Institutions (the consortium is composed by 13 universities and 14 companies/institutions) with the aim to implement a multidisciplinary and innovative research and training program, bringing to enable a new generation of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) to foster a New Green Energy Economy in Europe. ESR will acquire the knowledge, methods and skills across a wide range of disciplines around the Energy ecosystem, Renewable Electric Energy Systems and Business Models for the deployment of the Green Energy System. Trained ESR will have the technical and economical knowledge to break the barriers for the deployment of energy transition as market and social barriers (price distortion through externalities, low priority of energy issues, split incentives); financial barriers (investment, high up-front costs, lack of access to capital); information failures (lack of awareness, knowledge and competence); or regulatory barriers (restrictive procurement rules).
Aalborg University, Aalborg | Denmark
SMARTGYSUM-ESR04: "Condition Monitoring for Smart Power Electronic Converter Systems for Distributed Generation"
SMARTGYSUM-ESR14: "Energy value chains and markets developed with the new paradigm of distributed EES"
SMARTGYSUM-ESR15: "Identifying enablers and barriers to foster the replicability of business models for Green Energy Systems"
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Salerno | Italy:
SMARTGYSUM-ESR11: "On-line diagnosis and optimization of Energy Management Systems for Smart Buildings"
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