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Equivalent Circuits

  • Overview

    In this applet the operation of two isolated and two non-isolated converter topologies are investigated. The waveforms and operation of all four circuits is identical. All four circuits operate using the same principle as in the flyback converter. In fact the first circuit is the flyback converter investigated in the previous applets. The operation of the flyback converter can be adjusted by changing the input voltage, switching frequency, duty cycle and load resistance. 

    Step through the four different circuits and prove that the operation and waveforms are the same as for the flyback converter.

  • Operation
    • Adjust the operation of the flyback equivalent circuits by changing the input voltage, load resistance, duty cycle and switching frequency.
    • Change the red time line to see how the current flows in each of the circuits.
    • To change to a different circuit click on any of the red arrows. This action allows you to circulate through the four different circuit topologies.
    • Prove to yourself that these four converters are in fact equivalent to each other.

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