Further Power Electronics Events
Date: 25/03/2025 - 27/03/2025
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Founded in 1988 and alternating between Stuttgart and Cologne each year, the EMV has become Europe’s leading platform for electromagnetic compatibility. In addition to the scientific conference held in Cologne, a hands-on workshops takes place in Stuttgart in even-numbered years.
The wide range of further training options makes day-to-day work in the EMC sector easier for the participants. The event covers all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility and provides experts with a dedicated platform to actively work on creating an interference-free future.
Postal address ECPE e.V.:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Ostendstrasse 181
D-90482 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0
© 2018 ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.